Sodium Bromide Liquid

Sodium Bromide (NaBr) Liquid is a single salt used to form clear brine work over and completion fluids in the oil and gas industry. It is prominently used in explorations where formation pressures require densities from 8.4 to 12.8 lb/gal (1,007 to 1,534 kg/m) or where the formation waters contain high concentrations of bicarbonate and sulfate ions
Sodium Bromide Powder

SVS is among the leading Sodium Bromide suppliers in Dubai. Sodium Bromide Power is used as a completion, fracturing, work over, and packer fluid with a density of up to 12.5 lb/US gallon. In itself, the compound is non-flammable and non-explosive. Predominantly, it is used as a chemical intermediate in the formation of chemical sand bromides.